Saturday 19 April 2008

To Gob-Shite; With Love

Crowd6's night of Gob-shite, Hear Here, was a triumph and something that I hope they repeat in their programme.  It was a night of story telling and performance told to a captive audience seated around the gallery in camp chairs and bean bags while they munched on popcorn and took in the words.

We heard anecdotes from several people namely dude with little white guitar and man with laptop.  Sadly at present I don't know their names though will find out, but they were brilliant, they had the natural story telling ability.  Man with guitar told a tale mighty similar to Caitlin Griffiths' heart aching short prose about meeting the devil and asking for the gift of music.  Griffiths' devil aiding the young boy/grandfather however in Man with guitars tale it was somewhat different.  Part told like any other story with the odd musical sound to echo parts of the plot, the other part played out and read in rhythm with the guitar.  His tale told with wit included Delia Smith, Audrey Hepburn and Little Richard, each playing their own kind of devil. Man with guitar and his story were sharp, witty, attention grabbing and charming.


As for Man with laptop he read a haunting poem about Italy and a spellbinding young lady.  This was my favorite reading of the evening, apart from a rude interruption mid-poem, he was eloquent and charismatic, as was the tale he so fluently told. (I will find out these gentleman's names and let you know!)

Other performances worth mentioning were Stuart Tait's short and very sweet story from his childhood, presented with such genuine emotion like that of a child it was evocative, sweet and compelling.  Mr Miller and Mr Wakefield's readings too were impeccable as per, humorous and compelling, am looking forward to the next installment of this tale and gob-shit at Crowd6.

And finally - Mike Hesp you are a c**t and deserved those cans in your face!

lots of love,
your conscience

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