Monday, 30 June 2008


GOODS In was a success, hard work but I loved it!

There is also potential for Minda and I to use it again so watch this space and then come visit that space...

These are some pics of the show from the front and back of the space.

The two most popular pieces from feedback so far were the balancing ladders by Matt Roberts and the performance/interaction based on a platic fantastic (sp) piece by a.a.s.

now....onto the next one :)

lots of love,
a very tired your conscience

Thursday, 26 June 2008

Saturday, 14 June 2008

to the warehouse, with lots of love

dear smart warehouse,
how i love thee...
...all clean and almost dust free...
...minda's magic wall hiding all your sins.....


i cant wait till the 28th!!!